How To Get Fit and Stay Fit: Nutrition Myths & Truths

With the myriad of diet and nutrition theories out there, it can be difficult to know what direction to take. We all want to be fit and healthy; unfortunately, the internet is rife with misinformation — especially when it comes to the topic of health and dieting. Unfounded claims spread through social media, blogs, and even renowned media outlets like wildfire. Outlandish theories go viral before they ever have a chance to be challenged. To be truly informed, and make positive, wellness-centered decisions, you must be able to separate fact from fiction, right from wrong, healthy from harmful. To make it easy, we’ve broken down some of the top nutrition myths and facts, to settle the debate once and for all!

CLAIM #1: Eating fat will make me fat. 

How To Get Fit and Stay Fit: Nutrition Myths & Truths

FALSE. Fat, itself, will not make you fat. Dietary fat is a key source of energy for the body and is essential for optimal health. To maintain a healthy, active metabolism, you want to eat plenty of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These good-for-you fats are found in nuts, seeds, salmon, trout, avocado, olives, and olive oil. They make you feel full for longer and give you lots of energy to power you through your day. On the other hand, you do want to limit your intake of saturated fats, such as in butter, high-fat dairy, and red meat, and avoid trans fats as much as possible. 

CLAIM #2: If I want to lose weight, I need to cut carbs completely.

How To Get Fit and Stay Fit: Nutrition Myths & Truths

FALSE. While it is true that to lose weight, you will want to re-evaluate your carbohydrate intake, it’s more about questioning the types of carbs you consume than it is cutting this essential food group completely. Like protein and fat, we need carbohydrates to function. The real issue is that the American diet is so fundamentally based around processed foods filled with refined sugars, also referred to as simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are the arch nemesis of weight loss, and too much of them can lead to all kinds of health problems. What you want to eat are complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, potatoes, and legumes. They are better for your digestive system and support a healthy body weight. The best way to safely and effectively lose weight is to maintain a calorie deficit, count your macros, and stay physically active.

CLAIM #3: Foods labeled “natural” are healthier.

How To Get Fit and Stay Fit: Nutrition Myths & Truths

“Naturally” — one might assume when they see “natural”, “all natural”, or “100% natural” written confidently across the packaging of their purchased food item, it means it is healthy. But have you ever considered what those labels actually mean? The Food and Drug Administration has no clear guidelines for the use of the term ”natural.” If a food contains no artificial ingredients or added color, and is only minimally processed, animals pumped with antibiotics and hormones can still be called “natural”. The same goes for cereals, packaged cookies, prepared meals, and so on. If it’s up to you to trust the manufacturer, seeing things like “naturally flavored” or “made with natural ingredients” could be misleading. Ignore the marketing tactics and always read the ingredients labels. Everything we put in our bodies should contain only minimal ingredients that make sense to what the food we are eating is. If you can’t pronounce most of the ingredients on the list, put the item back. 

CLAIM #4: Gluten should be avoided by everybody.

FALSE: Gluten is not inherently bad for you. There are many people who have gluten insensitivity or celiac disease, and those people should of course avoid it. However, there is no compelling evidence that the average person will improve their health or lose weight by cutting gluten. The increasing prevalence of gluten-free options is more so a nod to the progress for those who truly need to avoid gluten to be able to do so without being deprived of the things they love. However, the “dangers” of gluten for the average dieter have likely been overstated. 

CLAIM #5: Egg yolks are unhealthy.

How To Get Fit and Stay Fit: Nutrition Myths & Truths

FALSE: Egg yolks were once mistakenly believed to raise blood cholesterol levels, which led to the craze of dieters and fitness gurus touting “egg white omelets” as the unequivocal heart-healthy alternative. Now, we’re learning that egg yolks are not in fact dangerous for our health. On the contrary, they are actually powerhouses of nutrients. Aside from part of the protein, almost all the nutrition content of the egg is found in the yolk. Rich in vitamins A, D, E, B12 and K, and minerals folate, iron and riboflavin, eggs pack almost every essential mineral and vitamin needed by our body. When you eat only the white, you are missing half the protein, and a multitude of beneficial nutrients.

CLAIM #6: Portion control can help me maintain a healthy body weight.

How To Get Fit and Stay Fit: Nutrition Myths & Truths

TRUE. Portion control can make a huge difference in reaching and maintaining your goal weight. Your weight loss efforts can quickly be undermined by large portion sizes, as you may often end up with more than you realize on your plate. The idea is to consume less calories than your body utilizes to remain at your current weight, while still getting in your most important nutrients, protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. A key tip is to use a food scale to monitor how much you’re eating. Portioning allows you to eat all the foods you love, in moderation, so you can avoid binging or snacking later on. The  Blitz Digital Kitchen Scale naturally teaches you portion control and can help prevent you from eating more than you planned. It can also be used in conjunction with any meal plan or diet that specifies serving sizes in ounces. Weigh yourself to keep track of your progress with the Blitz Body Analysis Scale.

CLAIM #7: You get more nutrients from raw fruits and vegetables than cooked.

How To Get Fit and Stay Fit: Nutrition Myths & Truths

TRUE: Fruits and vegetables are very complex. They have tough, fibrous exteriors that protect them from the elements. The majority of nutrients found in your fruits and vegetables are actually located in their skins and stems, and extracted when broken down, as we do through chewing. Blending mimics that mechanical breakdown of food, so you can reap maximum benefits. Blending is preferred to juicing, as a juicer eliminates the much-needed fibers. Blending and drinking your fruits and veggies makes it easier for the body to utilize their amazing nutrients. Make your own incredible health-boosting concoctions and maximize your nutrition intake with the  Blitz High Powered Blender.

CLAIM #8: You can not eat healthy on a budget or a busy schedule. 

FALSE: You don’t have to be rich to eat fresh, healthy, good-for-you foods! Eating well is possible, and you can do it on a budget — and in a time crunch! Truth be told, the best way to get fit and stay fit, is to have complete control over what you put in your food. Unhealthy food indeed tends to be cheaper and more accessible than its healthy alternatives, but it is those foods that cause weight gain and all kinds of medical problems. Shopping at local farmer’s markets or wellness-minded stores like Trader Joes can save you a lot in grocery expenses. Cooking at home doesn’t have to be a hassle either! The  Blitz MAXX Air Fryer Oven can prepare healthy, perfectly-cooked meals in minutes, while also reducing fat and calories. 

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. Please consult your physician before implementing any new diet or exercise regimens, especially if you have preexisting medical conditions or are taking prescribed medications. The statements made on this website are for educational purposes only and are not meant to replace the advice of your physician or healthcare provider.

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